
Prediction Tournament

haha, thank you, Flo :) Anyone who underestimates lower seeds will be deeply disappointed. cuz we'll flourish!!!
Round 1 Predictions:

JannLee-vlad-sensei 6-0
allyouneedisluft-2Ap 6-0
Twelveteen-V2chess 6-0
mastertan-inocuo 6-0
chickencrossroad-MessyAnswer 6-0
xuanet-TheBayArea 6-0
opperwezen-Skeftomilos 6-0
eekarf-zanbato 6-0
saturos-Yery 6-0
blitzbullet-Flourish 6-1
Atrophied-tipau 6-1
sexy_and_i_know_it-katakamata 6-1
B0N0B0-ubdip 6-0
penguingim1-isaacly 6-1
Bugzilla-cross_online 6-2
puressence-ciw 6-4
crosky-I0euros 6-2
mathace-Salsablanca 6-3
ikaravodah-betzero 6-2
Kielileike-alkaline1 6-2
sharkmeister-GrandLapin 6-3
Lance5500-KyleLegion 6-5
FreeBee-stelmacz 6-2
chewythechewer-samuelhaupt3 6-3
RaphaelNadal-retardedplatypus123 6-4
emty-mrsjadk26 6-3
chriswsh-BrzopotezniMangup96 6-3
burpcow-Schroer 6-4
Deathmaster-recastrov 6-4
Mugwort-ReaperCrew 4-6
gekkokamen-MeneerMandje 4-6
svenos-exMOHAX 4-6
JannLee-vlad-sensei 6-0
allyouneedisluft-2Ap 6-0
Twelveteen-V2chess 6-0
mastertan-inocuo 6-0
chickencrossroad-MessyAnswer 6-0
xuanet-TheBayArea 6-0
opperwezen-Skeftomilos 6-0
eekarf-zanbato 6-0
saturos-Yery 6-0
blitzbullet-Flourish 6-0
Atrophied-tipau 6-0
sexy_and_i_know_it-katakamata 6-0
B0N0B0-ubdip 6-0
penguingim1-isaacly 6-0
Bugzilla-cross_online 6-0
puressence-ciw 6-0
crosky-I0euros 6-0
mathace-Salsablanca 6-0
ikaravodah-betzero 6-0
Kielileike-alkaline1 6-0
sharkmeister-GrandLapin 6-4
Lance5500-KyleLegion 6-3
FreeBee-stelmacz 6-2
chewythechewer-samuelhaupt3 6-2
RaphaelNadal-retardedplatypus123 6-2
emrty-mrsjadk26 6-1
chriswsh-BrzopotezniMangup96 6-0
burpcow-Schroer 6-2
Deathmaster-recastrov 6-2
Mugwort-ReaperCrew 6-2
gekkokamen-MeneerMandje 3-6
svenos-exMOHAX 3-6
I would like to thank sexy_and_i_know_it for reminding me of a situation that I did not give due consideration. I argued that it wouldn't matter much, but that attitude is not very professional I have to say. I thought there was no satisfactory solution, but I came to one right now:

"Yes, I've thought of this issue before, but I didn't come to any reasonable solution. I guess one game doesn't count much - that's not very satisfactory, but what can I do? If I don't allow the player predicting to predict his own game, he'll have one game less to work with.

Hmm...maybe I'll make it so that no one can predict the result of a game that has one player who is also in the prediction tournament. I just thought of this now...Doesn't that seem good?

Thanks for your suggestions."

Basically, you guys can't predict the results of the following games:

1) crosky vs. I0euros
2) gekkokamen vs. MeneerMandje
3) Atrophied vs. tipau
4) zanbato vs. EEKarf
5) penguingim1 vs. isaacly
6) blitzbullet vs. Flourish
7) Lance5500 vs. KyleLegion
8) sexy_and_i_know_it vs. katakamata

Unfortunately, Deathmaster had to withdraw from the tournament and will be substituted.
i vote for a "word of honor" way not throwing away games on purpose (its against lichess rules anyway) rather than cutting out from the fun.
even in the case of cheating its so unlikely those 1-2 points would decide the prediction tournament.
That issue has crossed my mind 2 days ago and I've made the identical reasoning of Fischy while trying to search for a solution.
I've come up that it's kind of improbable some players will decide to "cheat" planning to lose/win some games in order to get 1 or 2 points more for this prediction tournament, which is mainly just to have fun. Above all now that the topic is being discussed, I doubt 2000 rated players will act such unfairly.

For these reasons I fully agree with mathace. Let the rules as they were at the start.
Yeah, I've discussed this with mathace in PM, and it's either this solution, which cuts out some fun, or the "word of honor" solution. As it stands, I think the word of honor solution will be best. If the winners of the Prediction tournament end up having a very similar score, I will have to review these games again (ethics-wise). However, one important point needs to be mentioned: the prize fund for the Prediction tournament is basically nothing - I don't expect players to cheat for such meager monetary compensation!
You know me Vishy, chivalrous to the last :P

But really, I see no problem with accepting predictions for these matches. I highly doubt anybody will tank a game.

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