
Latest changes on Lichess

@Akbar2thegreat said in #33:
> Good ones but I didn't get the changes I liked.
> That's the only feature I didn't like as it makes no sense to compare accuracy with time trouble because it happens only in fast chess which isn't actually chess.

It demonstrates what moves you make under time pressure and will help you to improve to be a better player.
Time pressure is a part of chess even in Long Play games.

Thibault wouldn't put the time in to create it if it wasn't a useful feature.
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@MohammedElasha said in #39:
> See
> Time pressure" definition is
> How close a player is to flagging while making a move. 0% = full time on the clock, 100% = flagging.

Those percentages are unrelated to the ones I mentioned. I explicitly specified "% time left".

> Ya am so confused, also its written there "a player"
> Is this means me myself or my opponent?
It means the person who the insights are for (how much time their opponent has is irrelevant to whether they are in time trouble after all). If you're looking at your own insights, it's you, if you're looking at the insights from somebody else (e.g. a friend who has insights open to friends or somebody like Thibault who has his insights shared with everybody) it's that person.
@RickRenegade said in #31:
> Time pressure is a part of chess even in Long Play games.
Sir, This time you are Completely Wrong.
At least 25 minutes (lower limit for slow games) are enough to think of moves and it can never run out of time unless under rare cases.
There's no external pressure of unlike in fast chess like bullet. And ultra is all about speed and lag of your devices.

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