
world Fischer Random champion should automatically be part of the candidates?

@RealDavidNavara said in #3:

> I understand that some two-thirds of the leading players are not very interested in Chess960 and should not be forced to play it, but the remaining one third is interested in it and simply lacks fitting tournaments.

actually i was wondering about this seeming catch-22 in 9LX. which is it more of?

A - there aren't many tournaments BECAUSE people aren't really interested

B - there aren't many tournaments AND SO people aren't really interested

i'm leaning towards B. but you are thinking A?

here's what i think:

i mean if i were getting into serious chess, then any game i play 9LX could instead be a regular game and so i could learn more about the opening i play in the regular game even if the learning is only marginal. the only thing that would make 9LX more (objectively professionally) attractive to me is if I somehow learn more middlegame or endgame stuff from a 9LX game as compared to a regular game.

so if there aren't really any tournaments for 9LX and in particular if i can't obtain a norm for IM or GM from a 9LX tournament, then why would I play 9LX?
@Former_Player said in #4:
> The biggest problem is that FIDE has deceived Chess960 supporters by promising a big deal in 2018-2019 (ratings first of all) and not lifting a finger in this respect after the half-baked World Championship 2019.
> FIDE officials have given us a false sense of hope

what about covid/corona?

argument for corona: i'm not necessarily the biggest fan of FIDE (in particular they didn't pick my question about why 9LX world champion wasn't and isn't automatically in candidates, but they picked other stuff and they let andrea botez ask that damn how knight moves meme thing), but for me i'm gonna give the BOTD and say it's covid/corona that there isn't more 9LX recently. perhaps they are so strapped for time or resources that they wanted to just focus on the regular. idk.

argument against corona: i remember also how people were criticising netflix for cancelling shows like the society because of covid/corona because they didn't cancel this and that and yet they cancelled the society (but technically! if it weren't for corona, then most likely the society wouldn't have been cancelled....(wesley) sooooo yeah?)


Edit: well the later post seems to address this stuff

@Former_Player said in #7:
> @FischerRandomChess According to the decisions made by FIDE at the 2020 FIDE Extraordinary General Assembly (late February 2020), World Fischer Random Chess Championship should have been held every second year, i.e. this year and in 2023. (...) For obvious reasons things have been difficult since then, yet one could expect FIDE to at least make a clarifying statement, or preferrably (...). Instead there's complete silence.
@A-T_A-S said in #5:
> Да. Магнус чувствует себя не очень комфортно и опасается игроков ш960, таких как Уэсли Со, как признался на одном из стримов. Но, путанница ни к чему.


what exactly is meant by ' путанница' ?

most of what i know of russian is csgo and duolingo (i actually finished the whole russian on duolingo you know gasai!)



"У"эсли "С"о


'У'эсли 'С'о
@FischerRandomChess said in #2:
> I suppose it would be much better in regular chess to use Chess960 instead of Armageddon.

what specifically do you have in mind?

option 1 (original): classical, rapid, blitz, armageddon

option 2: classical std, rapid std, blitz std, classical 9LX, (then possibly more)

option 3: classical std, rapid 9LX, (then possibly more)

option 4: classical std, classical 9LX, (then possibly more)

option 5: classical std, rapid std, blitz std, blitz 9LX, (then possibly more) (eeehhhhh...)

option 6: other
ok 2 things here

@FischerRandomChess said in #6:
> I'm just not a supporter of Armageddon, so I would replace it with almost anything, especially Chess960. Because Chess960 is still Chess, and if the opponents could not figure out who is stronger in the classics with preparation, let them figure out who is stronger without preparation and without knowing the starting position. In any case, imho, it looks better than Armageddon (and for chess fans, spectators too).

thing 1: oh yeah so what would you do: won't let them know starting position until 10 seconds before game starts? or let them know starting position at beginning of tournament? (so they can sort of prep for the position in case they get into tie breaks lol) or let them know a few days before?

> But so that the Fischer Random Chess World Champion would immediately get into the Candidates Tournament... This is possible, perhaps with the addition of some other conditions, however, anyway, I think it is too early to talk about it. It will be possible to talk about this only when there are a lot of Chess960 tournaments, and the Fischer Random Chess World Championship will be regular, but it seems that this is a long way off. I asked when the next Fischer Random Chess World Championship will be - nobody seems to know?

thing 2: grrrrrrrrr.......angry and sad that you aren't immediately agreeing with you but unfortunately i have to resign/accept/admit defeat that you are probably right, not just practically but also theoretically. you good sir/madame are very honest yet very wise, very empathic, etc.

below my 9LX stuff was disagreed with albeit with a little less empathy
@A-T_A-S said in #9:

> Шахматы должны развиваться по пути тенниса...

like how?
@A-T_A-S said in #9:
> но даже после запуска собственных шахмат по новым правилам, вынужден признать

what exactly is meant by this?

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